2014 Power of the Purse Luncheon Reaches New Heights
BenefitingThe Women’s Fund: Powering Our Community To Change The World

More than 800 guests celebrated the POWER of women and girls at The Women’s Fund Miami-Dade’s signature luncheon, Power of the Purse. Event Chair and Board member Marty Davis, Honorary Chair Phillis Oeters, and Silent Auction Chair Cyndi Hibnick created an event which celebrated The Women’s Fund’s work, while highlighting the tremendous need in our community.
At the sound of trumpets, Jackie Nespral of NBC6 kicked off a dynamic program which included 2014 Honor Roll inductees Marj Adler, Thelma Gibson and Gail Mixer. Seven-time Grammy Award winner Gloria Estefan presented a specially- created Lifetime Achievement Award to journalist, host and media mogul, Cristina Saralegui. “For women there is no independence unless you’re economically independent,” said Cristina. “I’ve always had to fight not to be invisible. I am happy to say this is no longer the case ladies.” The award, created by artist Alfredo Ratinoff, included photos of Cristina’s personal and professional milestones in ceramic and glass.
Emotional and inspiring testimony of The Women’s Fund’s impact came from an Agape Network and Mustard Seed program client, whose name cannot be disclosed for her continued protection. The Symphony Ballroom at the Hilton Miami Downtown was pin-drop silent and then roared with a standing ovation. “Since 1993, The Women’s Fund has provided critical funding and support to grass-
Marie Claire’s Editor in Chief, Anne Fulenwider and V73’s Founder and Creative Director Elisabetta Armellin participated as Presenting Partners. “Marie Claire stands by the Women’s Fund because we know it takes collaboration to change the world,” said Anne Fulenwider. “We took this already amazing event and elevated it to a whole new level. We not only exceeded our attendance and fundraising goal, we received national media attention with the support of Marie Claire, Cristina Saralegui and Gloria Estefan. We are continuing to build on the momentum for the rest of 2014 and beyond,” said Marty Davis as he chuckled and added “you ain’t seen nothing yet!”
Eighty fabulous limited edition V73 handbags, custom designed for The Women’s Fund, were the centerpieces available for purchase. “We were delighted to have Elisabetta Armellin, who flew in from Italy, to be among our guests. We fully unleashed the power of the purse at this year’s auction with incredible purses, wine and jewelry like ALO Diamonds and H&H Jewels” said silent auction Chair, Cyndi Hibnick.

Additional partners included Baptist Health South Florida, Macy’s, Tr3s, ALO Diamonds, American Airlines, Tri Mix Foundation, Leslie Sternlieb, NBC6, and the Miami Herald.
For information about The Women’s Fund, please call The Women’s Fund at 305.441.0506 or visit www.womensfundmiami.org.