27th Annual AIDS Walk Miami: One Step Closer to a Cure
Hosted by the Frost Science Young Patrons

Care Resource is proud to present the 27th Annual AIDS Walk Miami: One Step Closer to a Cure on Sunday, April 26, 2015 at the Miami Beach Convention Center.
For this year’s Walk, Care Resource is proud to announce and welcome “David Bromstad”, American designer and television personality as this year’s Grand Marshal. Artist, Designer and Television Personality, David is the original winner of HGTV’s Design Star, which led to his gig as host on his first hit series for HGTV, Color Splash where he completed more than 150 makeovers around the country including San Francisco, New York and Miami. David has also appeared on HGTV programs including HGTV’s, HGTV Showdown, Bang for Your Buck, and many more.
According to Bromstad, “It was an honor for me to be chosen for this walk. It means so much to me. This disease has touched so many in our community and around the world. We have come so far, but our journey is not yet finished. This disease is not a “gay” disease, it’s not a “straight” disease, it’s a disease that has made an impact on millions of people all over the world; men, women and children alike. We walk together in unity. When we walk, we walk for those who have died, for those who are suffering, for those who have lost loved ones, but we walk for a promising tomorrow, when a cure will finally put an end to HIV and Aids. Let each step bring us closer to that day!”

Care Resource is equally as proud to welcome Emmy award-winning reporter and co-anchor of the weekend editions of 7 NEWS at 5, 6, & 10, “Robbin Simmons”. Robbin has covered several major stories locally and abroad including the Million Man march in Washington D.C., the Gianni Versace murder, the Elian Gonzalez saga, Timothy McVeigh’s execution and the widely disputed 2000 Presidential election. Pregnant with her first child, she covered the 2009 Presidential Inauguration. Moreover, Robbin Simmons was the only South Florida reporter in Vatican City for President Obama’s visit with Pope Francis.
According to Simmons, “I am proud to have been selected as Master of Ceremonies for this year’s AIDS WALK MIAMI. I encourage ALL in the community to come out on April 26th! HIV/AIDS can afflict anyone. Early detection and treatment can prolong lives for many. We can truly change the course of this epidemic when we’re all in it together. Let’s make the 2015 AIDS Walk Miami the biggest, best and most profitable!”
As new HIV infection rates in Miami-Dade and Broward still rank the highest in the nation, members of the South Florida community are stepping up to do what they can to reduce this epidemic.
“I am proud to represent all the amazing people on Team Bubbles that have been supporting the entire community endlessly for years. We walk in memory of the millions that have been lost, the millions that are currently afflicted and the hope for a generation to come that will not have to face HIV and AIDS. The time is now to help to stop the stigma and to find a cure” – Dr Ken Wilcox, Bubbles Team Captain.
“I supported AIDS WALK MIAMI last year and I am looking forward to supporting it this year too. It is important that young people become involved and continue to carry the torch for a cause that has affected so many in South Florida. – Nicholas Regueiro, Student, University of Miami
“As Former Vice Mayor of Miami Beach it was always my pleasure to welcome the many volunteers and participants to the AIDS Walk every year. I have lost many friends over the years to this horrible disease. Now we have more hope than ever for a cure as researchers have announced major steps forward in the battle against AIDS and the HIV virus. While we wait for a cure there are still millions impacted by AIDS and HIV. It is my great hope that this global pandemic, which has killed so many be eradicated in the near future. I urge you to join me at the AIDS Walk and in pledging your support.” – Michael C. Gongora, Becker & Poliakoff, Former Vice Mayor of Miami Beach
“HIV/AIDS is still affecting people today and early detection and treatment can prolong lives for many. Let’s all come together and walk, run or strut to raise funds. Side benefits include burning extra calories and meeting wonderful and dedicated people, while supporting your community!” – Alina Zhukovskaya, Detox specialist and raw food chef
The 27th Annual AIDS Walk Miami is a 5K (3.1 mile) walk-a-thon fundraiser benefiting Care Resource and the Food for Life Network. All funds raised from AIDS Walk Miami are used in Miami-Dade and Broward to help our diverse communities in need. The Walk starts outside the Miami Beach Convention Center and ends at the Miami Beach Botanical Gardens. Registration begins at 8:00am. The walk begins promptly at 9:00am. To register online, visit www.aidswalkmiami.org.