35th Annual Dinner at Joe’s
Co-chaired by long-time supporters Richard Bermont and Adam Carlin, the event benefits Informed Families.
2020, Charity & Social Events, Gala Guide, Save the date

Informed Families is delighted to announce that this year’s dinner will be co-chaired by long-time supporters Richard Bermont and Adam Carlin. This event brings out the marquis names in Miami. Come for the street party to mix and mingle with friends new and old, dinner begins inside promptly at 7:30 p.m. where our guests will enjoy delicious stone crabs. The event is free of speeches and ceremony, but big on celebration and will delight guests with a gorgeous goody bag and program of information to take home. Our goal is to help kids group of safe, healthy and drug free.

Informed Families was formed in 1982, when Carole Masington, Marlene Josefsberg and Miriam Hinds had just returned from the National Federation of Parents for Drug Free Youth (NFP) in Washington, D.C. Its first Board of Directors was selected for demonstrated interest and expertise with the drug problem.
Support from many different sectors contributed to the rapid growth and success of INFORMED FAMILIES. The Metro-Dade Police Department, State Attorney, Superintendent of Schools, and government officials unselfishly gave of their time, talent, materials and manpower to bring the Parent Movement to Dade County. Informed Families of Dade County, Inc, eventually became Informed Families/The Florida Family Partnership, Inc. after expanding its reach throughout the State of Florida.