Editorial, News and Calendar Listings
SocialMiami continues to offer a range of publicity pieces, profiles and calendar listings. The prices are available upon request.
Calendar Listings Make sure your events are placed in the weekly calendar that’s distributed each Friday to the entire SocialMiami readership. Sent by email as well as living for the week on the site’s home page, the events are referenced by South Florida readers with serious discerning social agendas and healthy disposable incomes. The listing includes your event headline, the dates, a description of the event, cost, your organization, contact information, and a link to your site. It also includes the ability to post an eye-catching photo alongside the text. When you have access to the calendar, your organization will get a page on SocialMiami, and the events posted will also automatically appear, giving readers a full perspective on your activities and endeavors throughout the year. $1100 unlimited listings, $1500 unlimited listings with upload.
Pre-event Publicity Piece Let the city’s most esteemed socializers learn about your event before the date, so they can plan ahead instead of missing out. For this piece, you’ll provide us with two photos and 300 words packed with your event details – date, time, place, celebrity appearances or chairs. Include your event chairs in bold and mention the tastes, the sounds and the sips your guests will experience. The headline is the name and date of the event and it runs as a stand-alone article in our Tuesday newsletter. $875
On Site Publicity Make sure your guests know SocialMiami is there by securing celebrity photographer, our editor-in-chief and our fashion correspondent. We’ll be there, conducting interviews, taking photos, and socializing – it’s our specialty. $2200
Post event page of photos (Social Eyes column) This photo gallery proves in pictures that your organization is big on philanthropy and heavy on power. Honor your dedication to the cause by featuring your board members, executives or customers in prominent photo galleries that are viewed by the most esteemed readership in South Florida. Social Eyes column is famous for generating interest in organizations, putting people on the philanthropic map and elevating everyone’s prestige. You’ll provide between 15 and 20 photos plus the text and we’ll run the piece in our widely-read Tuesday newsletter. $1800 non-profit, $2,400 for-profit, $6200 for a package of six galleries.
Post Event Publicity Piece We will publish between three and six photos of your event plus a 250-word feature you provide and include it in our widely-read editorial newsletter. This piece will chronicle the powerful people in attendance and raise awareness for the work you’re doing. It will also help the event and the effort put into the food, decor and guestlist continue to live online. $875 for six photos (non-profit) $1200 (for-profit)
Post Event Publicity Series We’ll compile six articles – each to include four photos you provide – about the work you accomplished or the funds your organization raised on a specific occasion. SocialMiami reporters will interview up to two sources whose contact information you’ll supply, and capture on its pages the people you’ve helped and the lives you’ve changed. We will also mention the sponsors or donors that made it possible to forward your mission. Articles will be 250 to 350 words. $6200
New Board Member or Honoree Announcement: We’ll recognize your new leadership team by including their new positions, their backgrounds and their headshots in this piece that will run as a stand-alone article in our widely read editorial newsletter. $675 for three new members, $875 for six new members, $1075 for eight new members.
Five Questions for Your Chair or Board Member: In SocialMiami’s newest column premiering to an overwhelming response, our reporters interview a prominent person and, in asking five questions, showcase a philanthropic gesture, creative endeavor or business strategy, with a photo published alongside the story. (The 3 interviews are conducted and written by SocialMiami.com staff and each published in the weekly newsletter and posted in social media within one month.) $4950
Social Snapshot: Your board member speaks to us in her/his own words (Questionnaire, one photo) For the big personalities on your board, this easy-to-read, fun-to-craft piece will honor a donor of your choosing by asking them to answer – in their own handwriting – questions on a page they’ll later scan and return. They’ll need to write clearly because we’ll publish the raw, unedited sheet. Our readers will enjoy responses filled with character, meaning humor, honesty, passion, sarcasm — or any combination – are all very welcome. (Two questions can be removed/altered to accommodate specific information you’ll want to share. Donor/organization supplies photo, story runs in SocialMiami weekly newsletter.) $675
Philanthropy in Style Profile (feature article of 600 to 800 words plus 3 photos provided by your team) This feature article will be written on a supporter of your organization. Our reporter will conduct three interviews – one of the subjects plus two additional sources such as your president, foundation executive, motivated employee of any rank, philanthropic recipient) and write a story detailing this person our couple’s commitment to social responsibly. The piece will be driven by the sources with the goal of illustrating the values and goals making this person a valuable member of the community. Gala Guide members: $2900 for text only, $3500 with photo shoot | $4950 for non-members
Social Inc: INSERT COMPANY NAME culture enriches the community (400 to 600 words, 3 photos provided by your team) This corporate profile will feature the large or small business that supports your organization. Our reporter will interview three people you select (president, foundation executive, motivated employee of any rank, philanthropic recipient) and write a story detailing this corporation’s commitment to social responsibly. We’ll lay out the culture, the values, and the goals that make your sponsor a valuable member of the community. And describe the internal results that come from this teamwork – how it boosts morale, productivity and creates the family-like environment that’s always good business. $4950
Column item: Got a news bite? Your team won an award, opened a business or a new office, selected a committee or even had a press mention in another publication, such as Forbes or the Miami Herald? We’re here to to help you advertise in a non-traditional way – by including some 200 words and a photo in one of our columnists pieces containing three news items. $1550 per item