Chuck Todd Receives Hank Meyer Headliner Award

NBC News Political Director and Moderator and Managing Editor of “Meet the Press,” Chuck Todd, was awarded the Hank Meyer Headliner Award by MCCJ at its recent breakfast. Traditionally the award has gone to journalists who mirror MCCJ’s mission of creating an inclusive community. Walter Cronkite was the first recipient, and since then, Dan Rather, Barbara Walters, Tom Brokaw, Leonard Pitts Jr. and ABC’s John Quiñones have all received this honor. A native of Miami, Todd is a self-described political junkie who has earned a reputation as one of the most passionate journalists and sharpest analysts in American media. Upon his appointment to “Meet the Press,” influencers and competitors praised him as “a tireless reporter” with “an encyclopedic knowledge of politics” and the ability to “break down barriers and get people off their talking points.” The breakfast was emceed by Miami’s NBC6 anchor Jackie Nespral and chaired by Sherry M. Tropin and Khurrum Wahid. After the breakfast, Chuck Todd took pictures with some of the MetroTown students representing several South Florida high schools. He also signed copies of his book, “The Stranger: Barack Obama in the White House.” Pictured with Todd is Michelle Ramirez Patricios, MCCJ Board Chair.