Al and Nancy Malnik Host Annual Garden Party
And Kick Off 2017 Make-A-Wish Ball

Lifetime Benefactors Al and Nancy Malnik welcomed Make-A-Wish® Southern Florida friends and supporters to their Ocean Ridge estate to kick off the 23nd annual InterContinental® Miami Make-A-Wish® Ball, taking place Saturday, November 4, 2017. Board Chair and Gala Chair Shareef Malnik announced this year’s theme will be Mystical Music Box with celebrity emcee and documentary filmmaker Gabrielle Anwar returning as emcee and a performance by Grammy award-winning entertainer Lenny Kravitz. The elegant garden party featured passed canapes and cocktails while guests were treated to a special DECO Productions dance performance choreographed by New Century Dance Company, and music by DJ Eshkenazi. The afternoon concluded with an endearing speech by Sandra Seiden, whose son, Jacob Seiden, had his Wish to go on an Alaskan adventure fulfilled. With tears in her eyes, Sandra thanked Make-A-Wish® Southern Florida and described how happy Jake was to have this extraordinary experience and to interact with so many animals in the Alaskan wilderness. For more information, to make a donation, volunteer or refer a child, contact Make-A-Wish at (888) 773-WISH.