Artistically Social with Amy Rosenberg

Laura Raiffe, Elizabeth Shannon and Gary Ressler at Locust Salon Scholars series
Locust Projects always pushes the boundaries of the white cube. Last spring, the good people at this alternative space launched Locust Salon Scholars, a series providing the public with the opportunity to learn about contemporary art from leading art professionals. I had the good fortune of attending a Salon featuring Laura Raiffe from Christie’s. Laura genially guided the guests, including Debra Scholl, Betty Fleming, Sydney Carpel and Marilyn Berens through bidding terms and recent sales. We oohed and ahhh’ed over some of the more stratospheric numbers fetched by recent auctions. (Hello $179,365,00 for Picasso’s Les Femmes d’Alger (Version ‘O’).

The corporate love shown to PAMM by Miami businesses confirms that we’re not such a haute debauch anymore. The PAMM Annual Corporate lunch was a wonderful alfresco affair where yours truly had the opportunity to see a smattering of good art and nibble quiche with supporters Scott Shuffield and Carolyn Travis. The wonderful Lean Standish, Tracey Belcher and Hollie Altman always do a bang up job.

Carolyn Travis at the PAMM Corporate Lunch
I got to attend my first concrete pour at 1000 Museum. The tower, by architectural shero Zaha Hadid, has been developed by Louis Birdman and includes sweeping views of Museum Park. The event featured drones (how cool is that?). Guests included Angela Birdman, Lori Sobel-Cohen, Mark Alhadeff, Doug Hirsch and Patrick Teague.

The amazing Malik Benjamin put together another great Creative Mornings event with Fabula Rasa founder Salma Abdelrahman. Starr Group generously sponsored and provided a delicious assortment of breakfast breads (zucchini and butternut squash bread, anyone?). Ted’s at The National YoungArts Foundation hosted the event. Guests included Wifredo Fernandez, Dejha Carrington and Esther Park. Until next time —

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