Bacardi’s Women Empowerment Summit

Featuring speakers from MSNBC, United Way and Christian Dior

Bacardi hosted its fourth annual Spirit Forward Summit, a day of speeches, panels and activities aimed to empower and educate women who are passionate about shattering stereotypes. Held at the Lowes Hotel Miami Beach, this year’s theme was “Be You, Be Better” and included speakers such as MSNBC correspondent Mariana Atencio, women’s culture consultant Cyndie Spiegel, The Fiscal Femmefounder Ashley Feinstein Gerstley, life coach Trish Barillas, keynote speaker and founder of Boss In Heels Heather Monahan, President and CEO of United Way of Miami-Dade Maria C. Alonso, “The Amparo Experience” playwright Vanessa Garcia and director Victoria Collado, and panelists from Bacardi, Cargill, Christian Dior, Citrix, Google and more.

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