Building the Future Gala
Benefits Miami Science Museum

Friday, February 15, 2008, 7 p.m.
Ritz-Carlton Key Biscayne
455 Grand Bay Drive, Key Biscayne
The Board of Trustees of the Miami Science Museum will host its Sixth Annual “Building the Future” Gala at the elegant Ritz-Carlton Key Biscayne. The event is co-chaired for the second year by Brenda and Robert Castellano and Swanee and Paul DiMare.
The Gala, which began in 2003, is one of the Museum’s signature fundraising events that last year attracted 500 guests and raised more than $650,000. The theme, “Building the Future,” spotlights the Miami Science Museum’s goal to support the planning and development of its new state-of-the-art facility. Guests will enjoy a black-tie dinner dance featuring the Peter Duchin Orchestra and an auction, as well as the opportunity to network among our community’s leaders and visionaries.

The Gala Committee consists of community and social leaders: Brenda Nestor Castellano and Swanee DiMare (Co-Chairs), Gwyn Allison, Bunny Bastian, Maria Beguiristain, Trish and Dan Bell, Paula Brockway, Angie Carter, Esther Castiglia, Lisa Coots, Joe Falk, Melissa Farrell, Denie Freyer, Judy Henry, Kristin Pearce, Jeanie Pfleger, Barbara Reese, Electra Spillis, and Meg Stamey.
For Sponsorship or ticket information, please contact Anne Johnson at 305-646-4285.
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About the Miami Science Museum
The new Museum, a world-class cultural and educational landmark, will feature a 200,000 sq. ft. interactive facility which embodies the message of bringing science and technology to our everyday lives. The new Museum will be located in downtown Miami’s Museum Park, between the American Airlines Arena and Carnival Center for the Performing Arts.
For more than 50 years, Miami Museum of Science & Planetarium, now branded as the Miami Science Museum, has been a treasured and welcoming resource at the heart of the Miami community. The 2004 Miami-Dade General Obligation Bond passage provided $175,000,000 in funding towards our new facility, and the Museum’s Capital Campaign is now underway to reach total project costs of $275,000,000. The new Museum project is moving forward from vision to reality and the 2008 “Building the Future” Gala will honor and support this pioneering effort.
The Miami Science Museum, founded in 1949, is accredited by the American Association of Museums and is an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution. The Museum is a recipient of the National Award for Museum Service by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Major operating support for the Museum is received from Miami-Dade County Mayor, Board of County Commissioners, Departments of Cultural Affairs, and the Cultural Affairs Council; the Institute of Museum and Library Services; and the Florida Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, and the Florida Arts Council.
The Miami Science Museum, currently located at 3280 South Miami Avenue, Miami, is open daily (except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day) from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. For information, please visit
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