Don Shula Award Dinner
American Friends of Beit Issie Shapiro

Don Shula Award Dinner
Coach Don Shula led the Miami Dolphins in 1972 to the NFL’s first and only “Perfect Season,” including the Super Bowl, commanding the title “Winningest Coach,” an honor that none has matched. But off the field, Shula is known for his community leadership and charitable heart. The Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa honored him for that generous spirit at the Leadership & Philanthropy Award Dinner at The Ritz-Carlton South Beach. The gala attracted more than 500 of Shula’s longtime friends in the sports and entertainment industry for cocktails, dinner, award presentation and live entertainment by the fabulous Marcia Mitchell Band.
Jammin’ at Joey’s with Myra Wexler
It was like a high school reunion of sorts, with the eclectic group of people who joined me for lunch at Joey’s . . . Bonnie Clearwater, Executive Director of MOCA arrived as did Realtor Diane Lieberman, a MOCA board member and Co-Chair of MOCA’s Bohemian Bash.
Running of the Brides
“This is how women go to battle,” said an excited bride-to-be at Filene’s Basement during their annual Running of the Brides wedding dress sale. And a battle it was as the brides stormed the discount retail outlet in hopes of finding the wedding dress of their dreams for an unbeatable price. Many did and the spectacle of these joyous girls fighting for their perfect gown is something to behold.