Step into a world of pure imagination this December as Loxen Entertainment brings Roald Dahl’s timeless tale, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, to life at the iconic Colony Theatre on...

Wander into the tiny world of bugs, where the adaptations are larger than life! Spend the week investigating insect anatomy, behavior, and classification through buzzworthy experiments and activities. From dragonflies...

Are you ready for a challenge? Gear up for an inspiring hands-on introduction to the engineering and design process. Test your skills by designing an artificial reef, then build a...

Join us on Sunday, December 29, from 4 to 9 p.m. for the Community Hanukkah Festival, a joyous community event filled with lively traditions, music, spirited dancing and festive holiday...

Experience the holiday magic as CityPlace Doral transforms into a winter wonderland. Through Dec. 31, 2024, the community is invited to enjoy CityPlace Doral’s free “Light Up the Night” winter...

Kick off the new year with the 1ONE New Year's Day Celebration, presented by the Miami DDA and Julia & Henry’s. Enjoy a festive afternoon in Downtown Miami with live...

Miami Children’s Museum invites you to an unforgettable Free Friday event on December 20th from 3-8 PM! Sponsored by Florida Blue, this special day is part of the Museum’s Very...

Celebrate the Festival of Lights with the community at our annual Hanukkah Lighting event on Lincoln Road! Join us on Wednesday, December 25, from 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., for...

Celebrate the holiday season with a Mini Monday twist at Miami Children’s Museum on December 16th! Enjoy festive fun with PJ Library and New World Symphony as you meet Santa...