Director Jorge Graupera follows John William Bailly through his studio practice at the Deering Estate as the inaugural Charles Deering McCormick Fellow Artist in Residence. Additional footage records Bailly in...

Celebrate the 40th anniversary of Miami Dade College’s Miami Film Festival, from March 3-12. Considered the preeminent film festival for showcasing Ibero-American cinema in the U.S., this year’s festival features...

In partnership with GreenSpace Miami, MOCA will host a screening of Raoul Peck’s “Moloch Tropical” followed by a conversation with Arts For Learning Program Director, choreographer and dancer Ivy Bennet...

Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, and favorite movie dates to Movies by Moonlight: Holiday Edition on the main lawn at Las Olas Oceanside Park. Enjoy free samples of freshly popped...

LAST FLIGHT HOME EXCLUSIVE MIAMI PREMIERE Reception with food & wine, followed by a special screening and Q&A with the film's writer/director/producer Ondi Timoner. The Q&A will be moderated by Lauren...