As midnight draws near, Faena Theater undergoes a magical transformation into a luxurious playground for late-night revelers, unveiling an after-hours lavish fête like no other. Guests enter a realm where...

Head over to Magic 13 Brewing Co. to enjoy an eccentric and passionate artist who thrives on music and authenticity. From childhood performances in quirky costumes to a lifelong love...

The REMYZ are in town and performing at Magic 13 Brewing Co. live! A dynamic and innovative band breaking barriers with their unique sound, this T multi-genre group, featuring lead...

Dance like nobody's watching at the hottest monthly Salsa Night in downtown Miami in collaboration with Salsa Lovers. Dress to impress and bring the heat to the dance floor all...

Join us as we combine legendary music with laser light visuals during Laser Evenings. Experience your favorite movies in a whole new light with Movie Magic, groove to The Beatles,...

ACACIA returns to Miami Swim Week to present their Resort '25 Collection. In what marks their 7th Runway Presentation, designer Naomi Newirth is poised to reveal a collection that transcends...

May 25: DJ Boe | 1:00 pm May 26: DJ Dinero | 10:00 pm May 27: DJ Retrokidd | 10:00 pm $10 Hot Dog & Miller High Life Combo All Weekend!...

Set your out-of-office, don your summer linen and join us as we dial up the vibes with Sinopoli B2B Maccabi, Natalia Roth, Ferny, and Ms. Mada. From the sun-soaked beats...

Dive into the magic of the Full Moon at our beach party! Indulge in exquisite cocktails - from classic mojitos to tropical delights, there's a drink for everyone to enjoy...