2019 Miami Dade College Alumni Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony
Benefits Miami Dade College Foundation
Charity & Social Events
The Alumni Hall of Fame is the highest honor bestowed by the College on its best, brightest, and most successful alumni. This exceptional group of individuals is chosen from a broad range of industries. MDC’s honorees are among the nation’s premier impresarios, public servants, artists, and community leaders. Hall of Fame inductees are recognized for making a positive impact on their profession, the community, and the College.
The Miami Dade College Alumni Hall of Fame Awards Ceremony raises essential private funds for student scholarships while honoring Miami Dade College¹s best and brightest alumni who are leaders in their fields and changemakers in their communities. In 2018, the event sold out and raised a record $2 million for students.
A cocktail reception begins at 6 p.m., followed by a dinner and awards ceremony at 7 p.m. Sponsorship opportunities are available, and tickets are $300 per person. Purchase tickets and learn more at www.MDCFoundation.com/HallofFame.
About Miami Dade College Foundation
Guided by the philosophy of Miami Dade College founder Colonel Mitchell Wolfson to create a vibrant community for all of us by educating Miami Dade County’s current and future residents, MDC Foundation was chartered by the State of Florida as a nonprofit organization in 1965. The MDC Foundation raises essential private funds to enable Miami Dade College to change lives, families, communities and the world through the opportunity of education.