Charity & Social Events
Date Thursday, January 21, 2016 Organization 6th Street Dance Studio/WholeProject Categories Charity & Social Events
Place The Wolfsonian–FIU Address 1001 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach Website http://ExileBooks.com/cart

Enjoy a curated dining experience in celebration of orange. A Taste of Orange explore the color’s taste, feel, look, smell and sound. Amanda Keeley & Richard Massey will launch the evening with a book presentation detailing the production of Orange Oratory, the newest title of Exile. Orange Oratory plumbs the depths of Wolfsonian archives to present items that do not normally appear on view to the public, unearthing South Florida’s relationship to the color orange, the citrus industry and the region’s history as an exotic tourist destination. The dining experience by Annam, an organic South-Indian food service, will follow accompanied by music by David Brieske and Fernando Subirats. Tickets are $60.

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