Alper JCC Jewish Book Festival – Jennifer Teege

Classes, Workshops & Lectures
Date Wednesday, November 18, 2015, 7:30 pm Organization Alper JCC Categories Classes, Workshops & Lectures
Place Alper JCC Address 11155 S.W. 112th Avenue, Miami Phone 305-271-9000 Website Contact Email

Jennifer Teege was born to a German mother and a Nigerian father, given up for adoption and taken in by a foster family when she was seven. Although she had contact with her biological mother, she was never told that the brutal Nazi commandant Amon Goeth, the “Butcher of Plaszow,” was her grandfather. Teege learned of the relationship when she came across a book written by her mother in a Hamburg library. In her internationally bestselling memoir My Grandfather Would Have Shot Me, Teege chronicles how she chose to respond to this life-changing discovery and how her adoptive parents and therapist helped her find peace with who she is. Admission is $10 for author presentation and refreshments.

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