Fifth Annual Dr. Robert Kelley Memorial Lecture
Classes, Workshops & LecturesToday, our singers are auto-tuned, our podcasts and lectures can be speed-listened, and our commercials are synced to their 30-second slots. But in the mid 20th century, it was a strange and wonderful possibility to change the duration of a recording without affecting its pitch, or to change the pitch of a recording without affecting its duration. Techniques that we now call time-stretching and pitch-shifting represented something at the frontier of possibilities for audio, a break with phonographic models of sound recording, and new possible relationships between sound and time. This talk offers a capsule history of the techniques of time-stretching and pitch-shifting in the analog domain in the US and Germany. In so doing, it documents the competing meanings of the technology as it moved between blind readers, musicians, information theorists and broadcasters. Professor Jonathan Sterne, guest lecturer. Admission is free.