The Lod Mosaic Lecture: Speaker: Lucille A. Roussin, PhD, Attorney-At-Law

Classes, Workshops & Lectures
Date Saturday, April 30, 2016, 4:00 pm Organization Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum FIU Categories Classes, Workshops & Lectures
Place Patricia & Phillip Frost Art Museum Address Florida International University 10975 S.W. 17th Street, Miami Phone 305-348-3689 Website Contact Email

Speaker: Lucille A. Roussin, PhD, Attorney-At-Law. A mosaic pavement, discovered in 1996 in Lod, Israel, ancient Diospolis, is one of the best preserved and iconographically important mosaic pavements in Israel. Mosaic pavements are one of the most conspicuous elements of interior decoration preserved in late antique buildings, both public and domestic. The Lod mosaic provides us with an almost unprecedented wealth of images for a study of late Roman iconography. More significantly this mosaic provides us with abundant evidence that either the mosaic workshops traveled throughout the late Roman empire, or, more likely, that pattern books compiling imagery that can be dated all the way back to the first century of the Roman empire circulated among artists and artisans working in various mediums. This lecture series has been made possible by the generosity of Isaac Gilinski.

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