FREE! Art installations at Brickell City Center

Amongst its high-end retailers and gourmet cafes, Brickell City Center will host FREE!, a non-commercial contemporary art fair. Displayed on the shopping center’s fourth floor, FREE! isn’t named for its financial implication though it is open to the public at no cost, but rather its investigations into race, gender, nationality, sexuality and religion though its experimental installations.
“More than ever, we need to be free together”, says Miami based cultural producer, Anthony Spinello. “Borders and divisions, both physical and ideological are explored by these artists. Lines are endlessly drawn, redrawn erased and replaced in an effort to create deep rifts in our society and culture.”
The installations, which are backed by Swire Properties, will remain until December 9th, in conjunction with Miami Art Week, and offer two exhibits to experience. FREE! Play is a 6,000 square-foot raw storefront space — located on Level 4, next to CMX theater — featuring large-scale video installations including one by Guillermo Leon Gomez, who literally draws lines around and across himself that become the bloodied wounds of Christian martyrs and another by Micol Hebron, who recreates an adolescent game she observed from her high school students called Gay Chicken, where two boys dare each other to move forward step by step until they kiss. The second, FREE! View, is a 11,000 square-foot space (located on Level 4, above La Centrale) with large scale installations and interactive projects, including a groundbreaking Performance Lab.