Miami Dade College Golden Gala

Thursay, December 2, 2010, 7 p.m.
The Freedom Tower
600 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami
Turning 50 is a milestone. Across cultures and time it’s always cause for celebration, whether an anniversary of a birth, union or monumental achievement. But 50 often also represents half of something far greater, and never so much so as in Miami Dade College’s 50th Anniversary Celebration where this momentous commemoration would not be complete without the involvement of the community it has always aimed to serve. After all, which other College can boast such an inextricably symbiotic connection to Miami Dade County’s profile, progress and prosperity that MDC even bears the community’s name?
Please join us this December 2 at The Freedom Tower at Miami Dade College for our Golden Gala evening to help us celebrate through many sponsorship opportunities, 50 years of vision, foresight and dreams made true, 50 years of striving for the best and settling for nothing else… 50 years of being as much a part of Miami Dade as Miami Dade is of us. Proceeds of the gala and smART gallery exhibition and sale will benefit the American Dream Scholarship Fund. Cocktails at 7:00 p.m. followed by dinner and dancing at 8:00 p.m. For more information, visit or call 305-237-3657.
About Miami Dade College
Miami Dade College (MDC) is the largest institution of higher education in America. Its eight campuses and several outreach centers welcome more than 170,000 students each year, offering a model of community-responsive education. The College enrolls and graduates more minorities than any other college or university in the nation. MDC has served more than 1.7 million people during its 50-year history. MDC provides a full range of academic programs, offering short-term workforce certifications, associate degrees in more than 300 program areas, bachelor’s degree programs and several emerging high-tech program areas. The College opened its doors in the fall of 1960 and now enrolls the most diverse student population in America and offers a remarkable array of educational opportunities.