Jennifer Valoppi Book-Signing Event

Emmy-winning TV Journalist Launches Certain Cure

First 1,700 copies sold will be autographed by Jennifer Valoppi.

Emmy Award winning television journalist Jennifer Valoppi launches Certain Cure – a medical/religious thriller in a limited edition, first printing available by clicking on this offer now.

Certain Cure is an “end days” thriller that bridges the gap between science and religion – where ancient Judeo-Christian prophecies intersect with modern quantum physics and nanotechnology, as the characters move through Manhattan – a world filled with signs and symbols, all warnings hidden in plain sight that must be deciphered and interpreted.

Claire Cummings is dying of cancer when the mysterious Dr. Smith Viviee offers to save her life. Claire’s daughter Helene, a struggling TV talk show host, is wary at first, but then ecstatic with the possibility that this certain cure could save her career.

Meanwhile, on Park Avenue, distinguished physician Archibald Claiborne is brutally slain and former NYC Police Chief Robert Morgan is called in to use his celebrated intuition to solve the murder. There is only one clue – a necklace with an image of the caduceus, the familiar emblem of the healing professions, but is that all it means? And what of the small mark that forms on Claire’s hand? It resembles a hurricane symbol.

Claire’s grandson Justin is the only one concerned, as his troubling visions begin to bridge the gap between modern science and ancient Judeo-Christian prophecies. The people who believe in God must learn the science to fulfill their spiritual destinies and the people who believe in science must learn about religion to understand the looming dangers. Certain Cure poses the question – if man is on an eternal quest for immortality, when he finds it, does the search for God become irrelevant?

Read more and download an excerpt at

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