The Inaugural Bella’s Ball

Benefits Live Like Bella™ Foundation for Childhood Cancer

Bella, Raymond, Shannah & Rayna Rodriguez Torres

Saturday, September 13, 2014
6 p.m. to midnight
Jungle Island Treetop Ballroom
1111 Parrot Jungle Trail, Watson Island, Miami
786-203-3941 (Jessica De Quesada)

For one evening during National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, the Florida sun won’t be the only shimmer cast over the city of Miami. Gold will illuminate and shine in memory of Bella Rodriguez-Torres at The Inaugural Bella’s Ball, a fundraising gala created by and for the Live Like Bella FoundationTM to raise awareness and funds for Pediatric Cancer Research.

Red will dress the gala as Bella’s favorite color. Gold will adorn the city and the event for Pediatric Cancer.

Jencarlos Canela
More than 800 guests, celebrities and VIPs are expected to attend the gala event at Jungle Island with the gorgeous Biscayne Bay as the backdrop. Prepare yourselves to celebrate life and Live Like Bella. Red carpet appearances, cocktail reception, dinner, silent auction, dancing and special performances by Jencarlos Canela and LIME.

Tickets begin at $350 per person. Proceeds will fund pediatric cancer clinical trials to find a cure and assist pediatric cancer families.

About Live Like Bella Foundation

The Live Like Bella™ Foundation for Childhood Cancer funds pediatric cancer research of novel, non-toxic treatments for a cure. The organization provides in-treatment assistance to families with recreational support and assist with the purchase of a headstone or urn in the tragic event of the death of their child.

Bella Rodriguez Torres

Bella is the oldest daughter of Shannah and Raymond Rodriguez-Torres. Despite having developmental delays from low oxygen at birth, she was a healthy and happy four year old when in July 2007 when she became paralyzed overnight. The cause of the paralysis was a large tumor in her spine with seven other tumors throughout her body. She was diagnosed with Stage 4 Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma, an aggressive childhood cancer. Her prognosis was dire. Medical experts across the globe agreed that Bella had but a few months to live and would never walk again. She miraculously regained the ability to walk, run and jump and went into remission when it was never thought possible. Bella courageously fought cancer six times until her death at the age of 10 in 2013. Her big brown eyes, infectious smile, determination and innocence touched thousands across the globe. Bella never feared, she never complained and always cared more for others than she did for herself. Bella had unwavering faith, a loving heart and a great sense of compassion for others. Her life and legacy, to care and serve others, lives on with the work of the Live Like Bella™ Foundation for Childhood Cancer whose purpose is to end childhood cancer. To learn more about Live Like Bella, please visit

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