Make-A-Difference Gala
Benefits Chai Lifeline Southeast

Sunday, February 3, 2008
On February 3, 2008, friends and supporters of the Chai Lifeline Southeast, Lasko Family Southeast Family Services Center will come together for the “Make-A-Difference” Gala. At last year’s gala annual dinner 600 guests celebrated 14 years of Chai Lifeline’s positive impact on the lives of seriously ill children and their families.
The event also allowed Chai Lifeline Southeast the opportunity to acknowledge leaders who have helped meet the requests of growing numbers of families. “Woman of the Year” Edie Laquer noted that she was introduced to Chai Lifeline by friends and was profoundly touched by the organization. “Chai Lifeline does what no organization does for the family, and I am truly proud to be a part of this,” said Laquer.
The “Chai Heritage Award” was presented to Shoshan and Baruch Halpern. The Halperns, well known for their compassion and philanthropic endeavors, became involved with Chai Lifeline after witnessing how the organization changed the lives of their friends whose child was battling pediatric cancer.

Carol Lasek and Howard Bienenfeld received the “Chai Leadership Award.” “We are honored to be recognized by such a caring organization,” said Lasek. “We wish for the day when we will no longer need such dinners.”
The youngest recipient of the evening was Becca Masin, who received the “Share the Simcha Award.” Last year, Becca asked her Bat Mitzvah guests to contribute to Chai Lifeline instead of giving her gifts. She was able to share her Simcha with the children at Camp Simcha, who delighted in a carnival she sponsored.
About Chai Lifeline
Chai Lifeline Southeast, The Lasko Family Southeast Family Services Center, is a regional office of Chai Lifeline, the leading international children’s health support organization that provides emotional, social and financial assistance to seriously ill children and their families. Its wide network of services includes more than two-dozen, free year-round programs that provide professional case management, insurance support services, emotional support, social and recreational programs for the entire family and a variety of family retreat programs.
Chai Lifeline also operates two acclaimed camping programs on the Jack and Moishe Horn Campus in Glen Spey, New York. Camp Simcha, and Camp Simcha Special offer extraordinary overnight camp experiences to children with life-threatening or lifelong illnesses. The campus is also the home of the Stella K. Abraham Family Center. Chai Family Centers, community-based counseling centers, Chai House, a “home away from home” for more than 3,000 families of children that have undergone or are undergoing treatment at major medical centers, and an association of regional offices and international affiliates bring Chai Lifeline to families around the corner and across the globe.
For further information contact Cindy Novak at or 305-956-9990, or visit the website at
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