Miami Lighthouse’s 80th Ruby Jubilee Dinner Concert
Benefiting Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired

The legendary Jose Feliciano dazzled the crowd at a sold-out dinner concert in celebration of the 80th anniversary of Miami Lighthouse, Florida’s oldest and largest private agency serving the blind and visually impaired. The event was presented by Northern Trust Bank, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Florida Power & Light, Verdeja & De Armas, Brown & Brown of Florida and others at the historic Biltmore Hotel with United States Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, co-chair of the Congressional Vision Caucus, as mistress of ceremonies. Visionary state leaders were honored for their support during the 2011 legislative session: Senator Gwen Margolis, Senator Joe Negron, Senator Nan Rich, Representative Dennis Baxley, Representative Matt Hudson, and Ellen Navarro, Legislative Assistant. Also honored at the event were 23 Ruby Jubilarians, donors who made a significant contribution in recognition of the Miami Lighthouse’s 80th anniversary. The sixth Miami Lighthouse album, “See the Light”, produced in the program’s own Henry Stone Music Production Studio, was released at the event.
A new $1.1 million challenge was announced which will generate over three years a total of $2.2 million to provide additional space in a new fourth floor expansion to house an Educational Empowerment Center. Naming opportunities are available for significant contributors to the incentive match in the new fourth floor facility which will provide an additional 6,000 square feet
Additional sponsors of the event included: KJ Arellano Foundation; John S. and James L. Knight Foundation; Turner & Associates, LLP; Bacardi USA; Joseph and Jessica DaGrosa; Pamela J. Garrison and Shelley D. Rutherford; Aran Eye Associates; Walter and Terri Shikany; Stamps Family Foundation; Reverend Marta Weeks and Karl Wulf; Underwriting Sponsors included Media Stage, Inc.; Romero Britto; Codina Partners; United HomeCare; Williamson Cadillac; Nüage Designs; Charles Simons and Libby Trainor; Terra Group and Mercedes Benz of Coral Gables/Mercedes Benz of Cutler Bay.

Helping to raise funds was an energetic silent auction which featured a wide variety of priceless items such as: roundtrip airfare to Washington DC, two-night stay at the JW Marriott Hotel, a personal tour of the United States capitol with U.S. Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, lunch in the Member’s Dining Room and an American flag flown over the Capitol with the winning bidders name on it; American Airlines roundtrip airfare and a three-night stay at Adler Fels Winery in beautiful Sonoma County made possible by International Boutique Wines; a seven-day Norwegian Cruise; and a one-week stay in Kennebunk Beach, Maine.
For more information call Cameron Sisser at 786-362-7515 or visit