National Pie Day

It had the whimsical feel of the “I Love Lucy” chocolate production line scene as guests at the Lenore Nolan-Ryan Cooking School & Catering Company created pies galore on National Pie Day. With mountains of butter, apples, sugar and flour, participants made hundreds of pies, available at the reduced price of $5. Everyone was encouraged to send pies to loved ones or people they admired, like members of the military, local firemen, teachers, or volunteers. Cold Stone Creamery provided cinnamon ice cream cups to be packaged along with each pie. Yum! Pictured: US Army Reserves members Chance Kaplan, M.D. and Ron Giffler, M.D. receiving pies from Lenore. To find out more or order pies, call 954-491-2340 or visit

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