Nominees Sought for Positive Living Awards

Alliance for Aging to honor our most positively engaged older residents

The Alliance for Aging, a private, non-profit organization committed to improving the living of older people, will recognize those who make a difference in the quality of life in South Florida. Persons, aged 60 or older, who exemplify “Positive Living” will be honored on November 14 at the 7th Annual Positive Living Awards Dinner at Jungle Island.

With nearly a half million people aged 60 or older living in Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties, these two South Florida counties are natural examples of America’s future where older residents are enhancing the lives of elder citizens. The area of recognition is broad and includes: Animal/Wildlife; Environmental; Legal Service; Arts, Sports, Media & Entertainment; Faith/Interfaith; Philanthropy; Corporate & Public Service; Health Care; Positive Living; Education/Mentoring; and Inter-Generational.

If you know a person who qualifies for recognition, please complete the attached nomination form and fax or email it to the Alliance for Aging. For more information about the nominations and to attend the dinner, please contact Susan Holtzman at 305-274-4772 ( or Judy Fisher at 305-671-6368 (

Deadline for applications is Tuesday, August 20. A reception honored all nominees will be hosted by Sabadell United Bank on September 11, 2013.

2012 Positive Life Award Winners