Association of Fundraising Professionals Miami

Mission Statement
<b>AFP Miami</b> (formerly known as the Miami-Dade Chapter of AFP) was founded in 1975 to advance the field of fundraising by promoting the highest ethical standards and professional practices throughout the local nonprofit sector. In 1985, AFP Miami initiated the first <b>National Philanthropy Day</b> awards event. Today, National Philanthropy Day is celebrated across North America and around the world. <br><br>
AFP Miami has a membership of more than 100 talented and well-respected fundraising professionals from the private nonprofit, public, and consulting arenas who maintain the highest ethical standards possible in fundraising; it provides them with numerous networking and educational/professional development opportunities including collaborative efforts with other South Florida AFP chapters and co-sponsorship of the annual Planet Philanthropy Conference. AFP Miami members are experts in advancing charitable giving, increasing their fundraising expertise, and maximizing donor relations for the greater good of the organizations and constituencies they serve. <br><br>
AFP Miami’s annual National Philanthropy Day (NPD) luncheon is the chapter’s signature event drawing over 500 people from the philanthropic community. This special day is set aside to recognize and pay tribute to the great contributions that philanthropy—and the people active in Miami’s philanthropic community—have made to our lives, our local community and our world. AFP Miami is proud to work with its NPD partners—The Miami Foundation, Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, and Partnership for Philanthropic Planning of Miami-Dade—to advance philanthropy and highlight our community’s top donors, volunteers, foundations, and other individuals and organizations involved with philanthropy.
Contact AFP Miami at <a href=”” target=popup></a> for information, advice, and/or referral services regarding the nonprofit sector in South Florida.
Miami, FL 33100 Contact Name Barbara Norland Ext. 203 Contact Phone 305-377-9922
Photo Galleries

30th Annual National Philanthropy Day Luncheon
Some of Miami’s most cherished, influential and longtime names in philanthropy came together to be honored November 12 at Jungle Island for AFP’s National Philanthropy Day (NPD) luncheon presented by…