Biscayne Bay Kiwanis Club

Mission Statement
The Biscayne Bay Kiwanis Club is a Downtown Miami/Brickell based children’s charity providing material support, uplifting life experiences, and educational programs for school-aged children in underserved communities within the City of Miami proper such as Allapattah, Overtown, and Little Haiti. Our all-volunteer organization is dedicated to participative community service and effective partnerships with other Miami nonprofit organizations. Our members and leadership perform countless hours of service each year on a strictly volunteer basis. In fact, our members pay dues and cover all the administrative costs of the charity. Through our Kiwanis Club of Biscayne Bay Youth Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit 501(c)(3), we foster student leadership and provide artistic, cultural, and science centered educational opportunities for children in public schools. Our programs include a reading program to help students pass the FCAT, lessons in etiquette, civics, and life skills, guided tours of Evergaldes National Park, field trips to the Biscayne Nature Center, and chaperoned sporting events. We also have a long history of volunteering with and providing support for disabled adults in our community.
Coral Gables, FL 33146 Contact Name Lewis Matusow Contact Phone 305-238-1889
Photo Galleries

36th Biscayne Bay Gala
Miami attorney Ron Lowy, who has spent his life dedicated to public service, equality, and justice, recently accepted the 2015 Michael Shores Citizen of the Year Award from the Biscayne…