Miami Book Fair International

Mission Statement
Thousands of book lovers attend readings and discussions featuring prize-winning and emerging authors from the U.S. and around the world. More than 350 authors will present as part of the Festival of Authors, including local writers in the Write Out Load Cafe, Haitian and Caribbean authors, and those who present their works in Spanish as part of the IberoAmerican Authors Program. At the International Village, fairgoers will be able to explore many countries’ folklore, literature and culture. Storytelling and book-inspired arts will fascinte kids at Children’s Alley, and rare book aficionados will find a home at the Antiquarian Annex. Held the beginning of November each year.
AddressMiami-Dade College Wolfson Campus, 300 N.E. Second Avenue, Suite 1515
Miami, FL 33131 Contact Name Elaine Parker Contact Phone 305-237-3510
Miami, FL 33131 Contact Name Elaine Parker Contact Phone 305-237-3510