Social Styles: Adrienne Bon Haes & Marvin Ross Friedman
Who Wore What to Where by Elysze Held

Art Basel Week in Miami was a mix of Art and Fashion – and everyone “brought it out for Basel!” SocialMiami contributor, stylist Elysze Held, reveals the first of her picks for the 2011 ART BASEL STYLE STARS.
“Fashions Fade, Style is eternal” -Yves Saint Laurent
Pictured: TUESDAY: Adrienne wears collage skirt of her own design and Marvin is wearing a berry colored Ralph Lauren seer sucker jacket with white polo, silk Ikat neck scarf and velvet raspberry slippers embroidered with foxes at the luncheon at Fairchild Tropical Gardens in honor of Paul Kasmin Gallery artist Will Ryman’s sculpture installation.
Arts Miami with Anthony Japour
It was a Basel bonanza for AJ, who bounced from fair to fair to see the pieces that people are talking about. Art Basel Miami Beach and Art Miami were two of AJ’s favorites and the savvy art dealer and collector had some great insight on a few of the works on display.
Pictured: Greg Lotus, Pierrotte, 2011 Image Courtesy of Jackson Fine Art, Atlanta and Greg Lotus. Image Copyright Greg Lotus. Jackson Fine Art exhibiting at Art Miami 2011
Social Styles: Tara Solomon
SocialMiami contributor, stylist Elysze Held, reveals her next pick for the 2011 ART BASEL STYLE STARS
“What’s extraordinary is the way everything modern fits in with everything old. It’s all a matter of combining. There’s no beginning or end there – only timelessness”. -Diana Vreeland
Pictured: Tara wearing Rachel Zoe dress; Gloves: Leather fingerless gloves by Chanel; Shoes: Gucci; Capelet: Banana Republic faux fur; Earrings: Vintage 1980s from Nick’s mother; Purse: Chanel at the MAM Crash the Ball at the Fontainebleau Hotel