Social Styles: MAM & MCB
Who Wore What to Where by Elysze Held

In South Florida, the name Elysze Held is synonymous with style. As founder and president of the Miami fashion/image consulting firm, Style Out of the City, Elysze is the personal stylist to WSVN 7/Deco Drive’s hosts, Lynn Martinez & Louis Aguirre and has dressed CEO’s, models, super-models, celebrities, socialites & fashionistas! Elysze frequently commutes to New York, is a field producer for Mercedes Benz New York Fashion week, and styles national advertising campaigns. With her stylist’s eye, she lets us know WHO WORE WHAT to WHERE!
The results of the interface between fashion and art appeal to the imagination – and imagination (and style) reigned supreme this week at two of the most anticipated debuts of the social season -and, of course, the most fashionable patrons of the arts in Miami were on hand for both (along with SocialMiami’s fashion contributor, stylist Elysze Held). The first event was the kick off for the Miami Art Museum Ball 2012, held at the home of Judy and Phillip George amidst their phenomenal art collection. Second on the agenda was opening night of Miami City Ballet (MCB) Program I, welcoming home former principal ballerina of New York City Ballet, MCB’s new artistic director, Lourdes Lopez.
Kick-Off Party for Miami Art Museum Ball 2012

Miami City Ballet Opening Night