Social Styles: Spring Style Standouts
Who Wore What to Where by Elysze Held

In South Florida, the name Elysze Held is synonymous with style. As founder and president of the Miami fashion/image consulting firm, Style Out of the City, Elysze is a veteran insider in the fashion industry, is the personal stylist to WSVN 7/Deco Drive’s hosts, Lynn Martinez & Louis Aguirre and has dressed CEO’s, models, super-models, celebrities, socialites & fashionistas! Based in South Florida,Elysze commutes to New York, styles national advertising campaigns and is the Fashion Editor for Palm Beach Woman Magazine. With her stylist’s eye, she lets us know WHO WORE WHAT to WHERE!
To quote photographer Nigel Barker (when asked to describe “Miami” style) – “Fashion is meant to be worn. Miami has the weather to wear fashion and Miami women have the guts to wear the clothes. The women in Miami actually wear the clothes that you see on the Spring runways!”.
Even as the season is winding down (and stay tuned for Elysze’s last Spring Column before she heads back to New York) Miami continues to bring it all out when it comes to style at the coveted events around town, and Stylist Elysze Held picks her Spring Style Standouts!