Social Styles: Style Stars of Art Basel
Who Wore What to Where by Elysze Held

In South Florida, the name Elysze Held is synonymous with style. As founder and president of the Miami fashion/image consulting firm, Style Out of the City, Elysze is the personal stylist to WSVN 7/Deco Drive’s hosts, Lynn Martinez & Louis Aguirre and has dressed CEO’s, models, super-models, celebrities, socialites & fashionistas! Elysze frequently commutes to New York, is a field producer for Mercedes Benz New York Fashion week, and styles national advertising campaigns. With her stylist’s eye, she lets us know WHO WORE WHAT to WHERE!
Art Basel Week in Miami was certainly a mix of Art & Fashion-and the chic set of Miami certainly “brought it out for Basel”! Stylist Elysze Held zeroed in on a few of the Standouts in their personal style all year round.
- The refreshing realism of accessories designer Flavia Lowenstein’s chic Paris cool look with her combined edgy & modern pieces from her accessories line “Flowen”. Flavia’s choices convey a sense of seriousness but also a cutting edge sensibility with her effortlessly chic fashion sense.
- Refined and thoughtful Museum curator Thom Collins in his artfully structured European wardrobe.(think Savile Row tailoring-with an edge). Thom has streamlined his wardrobe to a few choice designer and avant garde labels: Prada, Yves Saint Laurent and Martin Margeila. Trimly tailored, Thom zeroed in each day on the most basic material in a men’s wear arsenal-the white shirt.
- The uncompromising elegance of Art Advisor Stella Holmes in her feminine choices of Cavalli and Valentino. Stella eschews frivolity, and relies on classic elegant almost minimalist pieces in sophisticated cuts. Stella epitomizes the Chanel adage: “Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury” with her easy, graceful style.
Flavia Lowenstein

Thom Collins

Stella Holmes