Social Styles: Young Arts Week Style
Who Wore What to Where by Elysze Held

In South Florida, the name Elysze Held is synonymous with style. As founder and president of the Miami fashion/image consulting firm, Style Out of the City, Elysze is the personal stylist to WSVN 7/Deco Drive’s hosts, Lynn Martinez & Louis Aguirre and has dressed CEO’s, models, super-models, celebrities, socialites & fashionistas! Elysze frequently commutes to New York, is a field producer for Mercedes Benz New York Fashion week, and styles national advertising campaigns. With her stylist’s eye, she lets us know WHO WORE WHAT to WHERE!
What is it about Young Arts week in Miami, held annually for over 30 years? Is it the energy & the style of the young artists who descend upon Miami(and so soon after Basel)? Or the elegant grace of the patrons of the arts, who support every year the showcase performances, events and the Gala that add to the style and panache of the week? SocialMiami contributor, Stylist Elysze Held captured a few of the must see looks of the week.
And, of course, everyone at the events wanted to be photographed next to the Gala Auction prize: 2013 Mini-Cooper 2-door convertible from Braman Motors, the perfect combination of class and whimsy. The car will be wrapped in the work of Hernan Bas, esteemed painter and YoungArts Alumnus, and available for auction at the Young Arts Gala this weekend. Stay tuned!
Young Arts Week VIP Opening Luncheon

Young Arts Performance Showcases