The 2014 National Philanthropy Day Awards Luncheon
Hosted by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Miami Chapter

Wednesday, November 12, 2014, at 11 a.m.
Jungle Island Treetop Ballroom
1111 Parrot Jungle Trail, Watson Island, Miami
The Miami Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals initiated the first National Philanthropy Day in 1985. It is now celebrated around the world, furthering the tradition of honoring the local philanthropic community.
In partnership with the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, The Miami Foundation and the Partnership for Philanthropic Planning, AFP Miami will host the 2014 National Philanthropy Day Awards Luncheon on November 12 at Jungle Island.
At the luncheon, tribute will be paid to the people and organizations whose contributions to our community have bettered our lives and our world.
This year’s honorees are:

Sonja Zuckerman
Lifetime Achievement Award
Jorge Perez
Outstanding Philanthropist Award
David Lawrence, Jr.
James W. McLamore Outstanding Volunteer Award
Julia Tuttle Award for Community Involvement/Corporate Citizenship
The Miami Foundation
Outstanding Grant Maker Award
The 2014 Luncheon is co-chaired by AFP Miami board members Patrick Morris and Barbara Norland. Registration and seating begin at 11 a.m., and the program will start promptly at noon. The event draws over 500 guests who gather to recognize, celebrate and highlight our community’s top donors, volunteers, foundations and other individuals and organizations involved in philanthropy.

Individual tickets are $75, and sponsorships range from $750 to $15,000. Email the co-chairs for more information at
About AFP Miami
AFP Miami was founded in 1975 to advance the field of fundraising by promoting the highest ethical standards and professional practices throughout the local nonprofit sector. AFP Miami has a membership of more than 100 talented and well-respected fundraising professionals who abide by AFP’s Code of Ethical Principles and Standards.