The Art of Fundraising – A Unique Approach
Attorney Alan Kluger's Open Invitation to Non-Profits

What do you do when you have reached the pinnacle of career success and represented some of the biggest names in the community? For famed attorney Alan Kluger and wife, retired Judge Amy Dean, you come up with the brilliant idea to invite resource-challenged non-profits to hold fundraising events in your downtown law office – Kluger, Kaplan, Silverman, Katzen & Levine, P.L.
A part of the firm’s 25,000 square foot space has been specially converted to host up to 40 guests and to show off an extensive group of art works from the Kluger’s coveted Contemporary Latin American art collection.
Kluger’s idea is twofold: help non-profits with an interesting space to fundraise and help them learn how to ask for donations.
For SocialMiami, a company that is dedicated to helping non-profits get the word out about their events and celebrating those who make the events successful, a collaboration with Alan Kluger was a match made in non-profit heaven. SocialMiami invited a vetted list of non-profit professionals to come and experience an evening with Kluger. When they arrived at the office, wine, beer, soft drinks and bottled water awaited along with a conference table-turned buffet overflowing with appetizers.
Kluger, the ultimate host, welcomed everyone and explained his thinking on the subject of fundraising events before leading the group on an art walk through the office.
“I have two things that fascinate me, said Kluger. “I am always amazed about how people make money. And amazed at the needs of the community that I live in and how charities find people who make money and are willing to give it away. These are my hobbies: working and raising money, and I am fortunate to have my wife share my passion. My wife is Amy Dean, the incoming Chair of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation.
“We have spent our adult married life making money to give it away. And asking others to do the same. Either asking nicely or shaming some into giving away money,” Kluger remarked.
It was Alan’s idea to move a portion of the Klugers’ vast Latin American art collection to his Downtown Miami law office and invite small nonprofits to use the space to hold their own fundraising events.
Kluger foots the bill for food and drinks, and if you are lucky even serves as the host guiding you from one work of art to another, as he regales you about tales of the artist, what drew he and his wife to collect that particular piece, and how the artist is faring today.

For a non-profit to benefit from his hospitality, his sole requirements are that the non-profit invite their own guests and charge at least $30 per person (40 guests tops).
“We have done 11 events since May with the charities raising about $150,000. The organization have run the gamut from the Cuban American Bar Association to Yoga Gangsters. They were fabulous – they came in in their yoga outfits and had a 100% attendance rate, raising more money than any other group. Their mission is to help women who have suffered abuse, and they introduce yoga to these women in distress to empower them. We welcome all charities as long as they have a plan. Raising money is an art, and I’m happy to play a part in showing them how.”
Always the gracious host, Kluger alternates amusing stories about collecting art with earnest explanations about why he chooses a particular piece. It’s more than an investment for he and his wife. It is the belief that investing in an artist’s work is an opportunity to help someone whose ideas and talents need a push. It is this with this love of art and love of helping others that he makes his time, money and expertise available to non-profits who share his ideals.
Interested in having your nonprofit hold an event at Kluger’s space? Contact Andrea Birnhak . We are happy to report that Ayuda, one of the organizations whose director attended the event, has planned their own event to take place in May.
Photos by Manny Hernandez, See more here…

Onelia Collazo Mendive is the founder and publisher of, a news and culture website covering Coral Gables. She has covered the City of Coral Gables in print and online publications for almost a decade. She has particular interest in the Golden Gate and MacFarlane Homestead Historic District of Coral Gables. Onelia has covered the internet industry since 1999 and has worked as a web editor for various websites. She has covered the arts and cultural scene in Miami since 2007. In addition, she was awarded a National Press Foundation Fellowship for editors and writers program on E-commerce from Vanderbilt University in 1999, and was named a Fellow for the Knight Community Info Challenge Boot Camp in 2012. Onelia co-organizers a monthly Read to Learn Reading Circle and book drive in conjunction with The Children’s Trust, The Miami Book Fair and Books & Books. The Read to Learn Books for Free donates children’s books to 40 bookshelves in Miami including DCF, juvenile hall, and doctors’ offices. She graduated from Florida International University in 1995 with dual degrees with a BA English Literature and a BS in Communications.