The Main Event
Benefits Greater Miami Jewish Federation

Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 6 p.m.
Hilton Miami Downtown
1601 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami
Attracting more than 1,200 people each year, The Main Event is the Greater Miami Jewish Federation’s largest annual community gathering, raising funds for the Greater Miami Jewish Federation/UJA Campaign to help Jewish people in need in Miami, in Israel and in 64 other countries around the world.
The elegant event features a cocktail reception, dinner and a keynote address by a noteworthy individual. Past speakers have included best-selling author Dan Senor, Nobel Laureate Elie Weisel, political economist Professor Robert Reich, General Colin Powell, Professor Alan Dershowitz and others.
One of the most anticipated highlights of The Main Event is the presentation of Federation’s Friend of Israel Humanitarian Award, which recognizes an individual or couple for their longstanding support of Israel and the Jewish people. Past honorees include former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani; former U.S. Senator Bob Graham; and philanthropists Shari Arison, Irma and Norman Braman, Sue Miller, Stephen and Sandra Muss, and Isaac Olemberg.
For reservations and more information, visit or call 786-866-8439.
About the Greater Miami Jewish Federation
The Mission of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation is to mobilize human and financial resources to care for those in need, strengthen Jewish life and advance the unity, values and shared purpose of the Jewish people in Miami, in Israel and around the world.
Established in 1938, Federation in a non-profit organization working to ensure that members of the community act collectively and responsibly to enrich the quality of Jewish life in the Greater Miami area and to meet the needs and safeguard the freedoms of all Jewish people.
The Annual Federation/UJA Annual Campaign is the primary instrument through which donors fund a highly effective network of 110 social-service, humanitarian and educational programs and agencies in Miami, in Israel and in 64 other countries worldwide. In addition to providing opportunities for donors wishing to ensure that their support of the Jewish community continues in perpetuity, The Foundation of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation can help to create gift plans that provide tax benefits while meeting each donor’s specific philanthropic goals.
Federation’s numerous departments and divisions welcome individuals and families to get involved with the Jewish community through social and networking events, volunteer activities and much more.
For more information about the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, visit or call 305.576.4000.