Unlocking The Keys To Philanthropy
The Association of Fundraising Professionals Miami Chapter (AFP Miami), in partnership with the University of Miami Alumni Association, presented the first Annual “Unlocking The Keys To Philanthropy” conference at the UM Newman Alumni Center. With the support of Platinum Sponsor, The Knight Foundation, and Silver Sponsors Health Foundation of South Florida and Marlins Foundation, over 125 fundraising professionals and volunteers joined together for a day of sharing and learning.
The dynamic roster of speakers included: Lori Larson of GuideStar DonorEdge and Tammy Zonker of Fundraising Transformed. Matt Haggman, of The Knight Foundation moderated two panels: Keys To The Campaign featuring Sergio Gonzalez of University of Miami; Marilyn March of Women’s Fund of Miami-Dade; and Mitchell Kaplan of Miami Book Fair. And Keys To The Vault with Patrick Barron, Past President, UM Alumni Association; Linda Levy Goldberg, Co-Founder of 12 Good Men Luncheon benefitting Ronald McDonald House; Melissa MedinaPresident, Medina Family Foundation; and Dr. Michael Rosenberg, Board Member, Miami Foundation. The afternoon included Round Table Discussions with experts in all aspects of fundraising.
For more information about events or to join AFP Miami, visit www.afpmiami.org.