VeigaMilton: Family Style Philanthropy | Donating Fitness Facilities

Philanthropist and SocialMiami contributor Ana VeigaMilton provides the power of exercise to communities without access to fitness equipment.

Trainers from Special Olympics are excited to start using the new Milton Fitness Center. The Milton Family's Community Relations Director Paul Hernandez, Ana VeigaMilton, and Mayor Steve Bovo tour the Hialeah Special Population Center.

My family believes in the power of fitness and exercise for both physical and mental well-being. When we modernize the gyms in our rental communities, we refurbish the surplus fitness equipment and look to donate it where it will make a difference. A few years back, we fully equipped the José Milton Foundation Fitness Center at Brownsville, the first public gym in the area, free of charge for all residents. It is a big hit, with many residents becoming more mindful of their health and incorporating fitness into their daily lives.

Hialeah Mayor Steve Bovo shares his plan to refurbish all Hialeah Parks, including Bucky Dent Park, a 25-acre recreational facility that includes Edgar J. Hall Special Population Center, where the Milton Family donated and refurbished the Special Olympics training facility - the Milton Fitness Center.

We recently equipped and helped refurbish the Milton Fitness Center for the Special Population of Adults attending the City of Hialeah’s Edgar J. Hall Special Population Center located at Bucky Dent Park. This amazing Center offers a day program for adults with developmental disabilities, and part of the program includes training and participating in the Special Olympics. My colleagues from United Property Management and I enjoyed donating and setting up the equipment, patching and painting, and creating and installing the signs and photo collages depicting the Center’s Special Olympics athletes.

We also had lots of fun meeting the team running the Center and, of course, the proud and enthusiastic adults participating in this enrichment program and their families. Many adults who attend the program compete in the Special Olympics, and now they have an even better training facility! The unveiling of the Milton Fitness Center launched a series of upgrades to Bucky Dent Park and the Hialeah Parks System. Hialeah Mayor Steve Bovo thanked my family for our partnership in improving the Center and announced that money raised from the Hialeah Mayor’s Gala, which my family supported, and millions from the General Fund will be invested to improve Hialeah Parks. Studies show what we all know to be true: parks and green spaces improve the health and well-being of a community. I  am proud that my family can encourage healthy choices and make fitness accessible in our community.

Ana VeigaMilton, Mayor Bovo, and other supporters share the enthusiasm of the adults attending the special population day program at the Milton Fitness Center.


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