Art in Design

Interior Designer David Landau finds inspiration during ABMB

Designer David J. Landau understands the human value of fine design and prides himself on combining beauty with functional value and flawless construction. Everything he creates, from complete palatial interiors to individual objects of art, is designed to touch the soul of its owner. In career spanning three decades, David has designed the homes, offices and condos of many esteemed clients, and has been featured in numerous publications and on television. Contact David for a design consultation at 305-354-4510,

Please tell us about a current trend that you see in art for the purposes of design.

A current trend is huge photos in both black & white and color.

How does art influence a person and how do you ensure that the art choices made reflect your client?

Art should not necessarily influence a person in terms of their design choices for home or office. However, a client should always be involved in the selection of artwork.

We’ve recently seen a lot of coordination between fashion and art. Does someone’s art collection often reflect their sense of fashion?

Ones art collection does reflect their sense of fashion particularly when it comes to color selection.

You have a design partner for many years, Skip Morris, who is originally from Trinidad and came to Miami via New York and the Pratt School of Design. Tell us about that collaboration and how the two of you complement one another.

Skip Morris has alot of technical knowledge in addition to his design and space planning skills. Together with my flair for color selection, furniture design and placement, we make a great team.