Chapman Partnership’s 20 Years of Achievement
Serving the Least, the Last, the Lost and the Forgotten

Chapman Partnership, formerly known as CPHI, was named in honor of the late Alvah H. Chapman, Jr. Its 20th Anniversary Gala celebrates the legacy of empathy, humanity and achievements demonstrated by this inspiring man and by the Chapman Partnership. Together, they have helped save the lives of more than 100,000 individuals, including 20,000 children.
H. Daniel Vincent, Chapman Partnership’s Chairman and CEO, reflects on the organization’s two decades of accomplishment and the road ahead. “Twenty years ago when we opened our doors to the first homeless admissions at our downtown center, we realized the vision and determination of our founding chair, Alvah H Chapman Jr., to empower the homeless through community support, civic engagement, partnerships with many organizations to provide holistic programs and services that would become his legacy at Chapman Partnership” he said. “As we enter our third decade we look forward to continuing Alvah’s legacy of serving the least, the last, the lost and the forgotten of our community.”
“Alvah Chapman held to a very strong faith and vision to help the homeless in our community,” adds Mr. Vincent. “That vision became Chapman Partnership, a nationally recognized homeless assistance center.”
Today, the two homeless assistance centers in Miami and Homestead provide an amazing suite of services for individuals and families, including:
Case Management – Assessment, evalatuion and a personalized case plan within 72 hours of arrival.
Healthcare – Resources provided to support the physical and mental health of residents.
Children Services – Dedicated family dorms, a family resource center and a Head Start-funded day care for children up to 5 years of age.
Employment – Specialists to facilitate the job search, providing interview clothes, bus passes, tools and certification fees.
Housing Placement – Help with applications, utility and security deposits, furniture, appliances and move-in supplies.
Dog Kennel – Chapman Partnership’s South Center in Homestead has a state-of-the-art kennel allowing residents to keep their pets with them.
Carlos Fernandez-Guzman, Chairman of the Board expresses his gratitude to those who helped sustain the organization over the years. “As we look back at the last two decades we have a great deal to celebrate and be thankful for. The considerate support of our public partners, The Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust, augmented by the unselfish and generous gifts of time and treasure from our countless private sector benefactors, has allowed Chapman Partnership to positively impact the lives of the homeless” he said. “Together we have accomplished much during our first 20 years, and together we build an even stronger organization to continue our mission and eradicate homelessness in our lifetime.”