Coconut Grove Peacock Tour Spring And Summer 2010

Larger than life fiberglass peacocks decorated by Coconut Grove artists, sponsored by businesses and individuals and benefiting local charities and non-profit organizations are now on display throughout the Coconut Grove Village until September 2010, ending with a charity auction and black tie Peacock Ball. Fashioned after the Cows in Chicago, the Pig Gig in Cincinnati and the Flamingos in Miami Beach – the Coconut Grove Peacock Tour was created by ling-time resident Heather Bettner to develop and bring a unique interactive public art exhibition to Coconut Grove. Visit the tour’s Web site for information on how to become a sponsor, peacock locations and a list of participating artists. Pictured: Local artist LEBO, sponsored by The Miami Heat, painted his peacock during a recent HEAT game.

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