HOLOSCENES at Miami Dade College
Performance art piece evokes threat of climate change

For four days during Art Basel, MDC Live Arts presented HOLOSCENES, an epic performance art installation designed to “make people feel climate change in their gut.”
The brain-child of arts visionary and Senior TED Fellow Lars Jan, the centerpiece of HOLOSCENES is a publicly displayed, elevator-sized human aquarium inhabited by performers conducting everyday behaviors (making the bed, playing a guitar, cleaning the house) while it’s constantly filled and drained by a custom hydraulic water system. The spectacular project weaves the unraveling story of the rising seas, melting glaciers, intensifying floods and droughts—into the patterns of the everyday.
The event held during Miami Art Week at Kyriakides Plaza on MDC Wolfson Campus included an after-party with Lars Jan, and a Climate Conversation where guests discussed the themes of HOLOSCENES and the effect of climate change and the rising seas on South Florida.
To learn more about HOLOSCENES and future events from MDC Live Arts visit http://mdclivearts.org/.