Splendor in the Garden Kickoff Luncheon

To celebrate Neiman Marcus’s partnership with Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden for the upcoming Splendor in the Garden fashion show, the two organizations hosted a luncheon and preview runway show at Neiman Marcus in Village of Merrick Park on November 5. Guests spent an enjoyable Tuesday afternoon in the Fine Apparel section, which had tables and place settings decked out in hot pink flower arrangements to match the hot pink runway carpet.
After the champagne reception, event co-chair Swanee DiMare welcomed about 30 guests to the event to kick off Splendor in the Garden, which she and the event committee have been hard at work planning. She handed the microphone to Susannah Shubin, Splendor in the Garden event coordinator, who announced the 2014 Fairchild Philanthropy Honorees: Margaret Eidson, Trish Bell, Pamela Cole Barbara Hevia, and Stephanie Sayfie Aagard.

Stephen Brunelle, VP and General Manager of Neiman Marcus Coral Gables, remarked that he is looking forward to the third annual Splendor in the Garden. He said attendees will be in for a treat since Ken Downing, Neiman Marcus Senior VP and Fashion Director, is presenting the runway show for the January event.
Katharine Rubino, Public Relations Manager at Neiman Marcus Coral Gables, introduced a special preview runway show featuring looks from the newest collections of top designers available for purchase at the store. Models walked down the runway and then walked to each table so guests could get a closer look at the details of the garments. Seven different collections were presented, ranging from sleek black and white blazers to lacy floral dresses to flowing kaleidoscopic prints.
After the runway show and lunch, a delicious shrimp and avocado salad with a mango cheesecake dessert, guests could shop for the looks they just saw on the runway – a perfect way to get excited for the upcoming Splendor in the Garden!

The third annual Splendor in the Garden fashion show and luncheon is on Thursday, January 23, 2014 at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden. The event is co-chaired by Swanee DiMare and Frances Sevilla-Sacasa and emceed by Local 10 News Anchor Laurie Jennings. Tickets are $300 for preferred seating and $350 for runway seating. To purchase tickets, please call Susannah Shubin at 305-667-1651, ext. 3375 or email sshubin@fairchildgarden.org. Visit the Splendor in the Garden webpage for more information.
About Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden
Established in 1938 and comprising 85 acres in Miami, Florida, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to exploring, explaining and conserving the world of tropical plants. The world-renowned plant collections feature palms, cycads, orchids, tropical fruit trees and more. Fairchild has the largest education program of any metropolitan area, reaching more than 200,000 schoolchildren each year with environmental programs like The Fairchild Challenge. It aims to inspire a greater knowledge and love for plants and gardening so that all can enjoy the beauty and bounty of the tropical world. Special events include Chocolate, Mango, Orchid and Edible Garden Festivals in addition to an annual art exhibition, concerts, plant sales and more. Fairchild is located at 10901 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables, FL 33156. For more info, call 305-667-1651 or visit www.fairchildgarden.org. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.