Women of Tomorrow’s Annual Gala
Black Tie

Saturday April 12, 2008 at 7 p.m.
Mandarin Oriental
500 Brickell Key Drive
Miami, FL 33131
Founders Jennifer Valoppi and Don Browne along with Gala Chair Marisa Toccin are excited to unveil a very special partnership with world renowned artist Romero Britto on April 12th at Women of Tomorrow’s Annual Gala. A Romero Britto original portrait will be auctioned off in the live auction– with the possibility for inclusion in Britto’s exclusive 2008 Women of Excellence Portrait Series.

This year’s Honorary Chairmen are Madeleine & Micky Arison and Swanee & Paul DiMare and Honorees include Legacy Builder Honorees Jon & Nancy Batchelor, Sandy Batchelor & The Batchelor Foundation, Empowerment Award Honoree Malou Perricone, Mentor of the Year Betty Amos and Excellence Honoree Jonathan Green. Individual tickets are $350, $600 or $1,000 each and tables are $3,500, $6,000, $10,000 or $25,000 each.
Call 305-371-3330 for more information.

About the Women of Tomorrow
Mission Statement: The Women of Tomorrow Mentor & Scholarship Program (WOT) inspires, motivates and empowers at-risk young women to live up to their full potential through mentoring by highly accomplished professional women and scholarship opportunities.
Program Description: The Women of Tomorrow Mentor & Scholarship Program is designed to enhance and enrich the lives of young women in the public school system. WOT is in its eleventh year and currently reaches close to 1,800 young women in public schools in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties. Over 200 of South Florida’s most distinguished professional women mentor small groups of girls in monthly sessions to develop self-esteem, effective life skills and techniques for turning obstacles into opportunities. WOT has awarded over $1.5 Million dollars in scholarships to 554 Mentees. It is believed to be the only program of its kind in the country.
Program History: The Women of Tomorrow Mentor & Scholarship Program was founded in 1997 by Television Journalist Jennifer Valoppi and Telemundo Network President and CEO, Don Browne.