At Home Health & Beauty Care

Allison Weiss Brady helps us stay sensational while being away from the salon

We’re supposed to stay in and during this time, self-care is critical.  To bring us at-home beauty tips, SocialMiami’s Allison Weiss Brady sat down with Lora Drasner, the Miami-based philanthropist and CEO of Doctors Kline + Green — a West Palm Beach company dedicated to fingernail and toenail health — and spoke about ways we can stay strong and sensational while away from the salon. Yes, Drasner – a Miami City Ballet supporter – has  more than a few Home Beauty Tips up her very glamourous sleeve.

1. Try yoga at home: The Asana Rebel app is amazing and even has 5-minute sessions for when our schedules are packed. It’s incredible how much better our minds and bodies feel with the tiniest amount of stretching and breathing. I’ve been practicing Yoga for over 4 years now (nothing crazy) and aside from the toning and mental fitness aspects, my blood pressure is lower, and my spine is more aligned according to before/after x-rays from my chiropractor!

2. Go Au Naturel: There are great products for home hair and nail care. For your locks, deep condition often! My trick for long, healthy hair is to wash it at night then, coat it in conditioner – my favorite is J.F. Lazartigue Shea Butter Mask – wrap two braids and go to sleep. In the AM you’ll have silky mermaid hair without using damaging hot-irons! For your nails, take off the polish and gels for a week or more, let your nails BREATHE! Hydrate Nail Growth Serum by Doctors Kline + Green will make your nails stronger and longer in no time!

3. Dogs & Nature: Walking outdoors in the fresh air is an amazing way to de-stress. Spend extra time with your pet if you can, there’s a thoughtful saying, “Dogs give love and affection ALL the time, people only give love and affection when they HAVE time.”

4. Green Drink: We all want an iron-clad immune system and a green drink will help regulate blood-sugar levels and reduce your sugar cravings! It has been a challenge for me to find a green drink but BarleyMax from Hallelujah Diet is gluten free, nut free, and 100 percent delicious.

5. Draw a Bath: A relaxing Epson-salt bath and a an actual hard-cover, old-fashioned book is a great way to immerse yourself completely into something besides the real world. Pick a self-help book, a romance novel, or a biography, it doesn’t matter… just turn off the TV and and disconnect for 20 minutes or more.

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