Chapman Partnership Kick-Off Cocktail
Celebrates Illuminations Gala Volunteers and Donors

Chapman Partnership celebrated the efforts of the 2017 Illuminations Gala committee members and volunteers with a Kick-Off Cocktail Celebration at db Bistro. This year the 2017 Gala Chairs, Marile & Jorge Luis Lopez, Esq. and Lucy Morillo–Agnetti Esq. & John Agnetti, Esq., are leading the talented gala committee. The evening of cocktails and hors d’oeuvres honored Chapman supporters, highlighting the talent and dedication of the 56 members in the Illuminations Gala committee who come together to create the highly-anticipated gala. The Illuminations Gala, to be held Saturday, October 28, 2017, at the JW Marriott Marquis, will offer an exciting and breathtaking experience produced by the WOW MKTG. The gala begins at 7 p.m. with a cocktail reception followed by dinner and dancing. For information, please visit