Teach for America’s ONWARD TOGETHER
Celebrate the 2022 finalists for the Excellence in Teaching awards with community leaders, cocktails and hors d'oeuvres.

Teach For America Miami-Dade is hosting Onward, Together — a night of celebration in a dynamic space. Enjoying heavy hors d’oeuvres and divine cocktails, guests will hear inspiring stories from Miami-Dade’s leaders in education. Throughout the evening, and as the sun begins to set, one very special teacher will be honored with the prestigious Al and Jane Nahmad Family Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award. Teach for America is dedicated to finding, developing, and supporting a diverse network of leaders who expand opportunity for children from classrooms, schools, and every sector and field that shapes the broader systems in which schools operate.
April 28, 2022
6 p.m.
Briza on the Bay: 1717 N Bayshore Dr, Miami, FL 33132
A Snapshot of the 2021 Event