The Greater Miami Jewish Federation’s 2004 Women’s Day attracts nearly 600 participants

The Greater Miami Jewish Federation’s 2004 Women’s Day event drew nearly 600 women to the Fontainebleau Hilton Hotel February 19. The event benefited the 2004 Federation/UJA Campaign, which provides a vital lifeline of social services to people in Miami, in Israel and in 60 countries around the world. The event, chaired by Nancy Luria Cohen, Ruthy Ghitis and Pam Wolofsky, reflected the importance of women’s philanthropy in the Jewish community. Renee Taylor, the Emmy-nominated actress best known for her role as Fran Drescher’s mother on The Nanny, performed excerpts from her play, An Evening with Golda Meir.
The Federation thanks the following corporate sponsors for helping to make Women’s Day 2004 such a success. Silver sponsors were: ABC Telephones and The Miami Herald. Bronze Sponsors were: Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price and Axelrod, LLP. Pearl Sponsors were: Acqualina Ocean Residence and Resort, The Craig Zinn Automotive Group, and Wachovia.
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