The Joy of Catering

By Michelle F. Solomon
Joy Wallace has fed everyone from Queen Elizabeth II to every president since Jimmy Carter. Her Miami catering company has been in business more than 25 years and boasts creating the menus for three parties in honor of President Bill Clinton and two for President Barack Obama. “For one of the parties at a private home, Obama didn’t show, so instead they substituted celebrities — Matt Damon and his wife, Luciana Barosso; Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck.” The second for President Obama, he did show, she says. She knows that the Queen of Spain has an allergy to MSG. “So do I,” she says, “so we never prepare anything with MSG,” says the professional caterer.
She remembers a food taster being sent in before an event she catered for Pope John Paul and Ronald Reagan. She reveals that as a caterer, you cannot tell purveyors that you’re buying food to cater a party for a president. “For some presidents, they’ll send someone to watch your preparation.” And, there cannot be a specific plate created for the president. “You can’t say, ‘this is the plate that will be served to the president.” From dignitaries to celebrities, her staff must be pre-approved and there is a no cell phone and no camera zero tolerance rule.
It’s an exciting life for A Joy Wallace Catering. The A was added when she boldly approached Vizcaya after just opening her business to inquire if they would add her to their list of caterers. “I knew the list was alphabetical, so when they asked me I said the name of my company was A Joy Wallace. It got me to the top of the list and everyone surmised that I was the best caterer on the list — people didn’t know it was alphabetical.”
At a recent luncheon Wallace hosted for press to generate excitement around the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens Café and Shop, Wallace mentioned, among other things, that “We’re now doing gay weddings,” then talked about her own “Cinderella” story. She held up the storybook Cinderella and described her own magical life. She said she found her Prince Charming — husband, Richard, but that her fairytale wasn’t complete until she had a castle to entertain guests. Twelve years ago she said she got the opportunity when she became the exclusive caterer for Vizcaya’s Museum and Gardens Café and Shop.
She received a call that the gentleman who had run the café and gift shop for 24 years had left. “At the time, I had never run a café, but I try not to say no to any opportunity for business. I’ll say yes and then I’ll figure out how to do it and do it well.” The management at Vizcaya told her that part of the café job would be to also run the gift shop. “They ask, ‘could you run the gift shop, too?’ and I said, ‘Sure.’ — I had never done that either,” she confided.
The entrepreneur, who says she feels fortunate to be a woman who has succeeded in an industry dominated by men, has never been one to resist a challenge. After Hurricane Katrina hit, Wallace was asked if she’d round up her catering trucks and head to Pass Christian, Miss. “We fed 3,000 people every day for 3 ½ months.” As someone who had lost her home in Hurricane Andrew, she felt their pain. “Except they had lost everything — their homes, their cars, entire towns washed away.”
For Wallace, the opportunity to feed people, she says, is a daily blessing. “Food is very personal. Food is emotional. The thrill of sitting down together, having a glass of wine, enjoying good food — from the place settings to the food itself, it should be inspirational.”